Making a Barn Star Design

Photo by Smallbones – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

This video lesson covers Pennsylvania Dutch artistic designs, how they evolved, and what they symbolize.  The truth about this culture is explained, and some very important innovations are revealed as well.  

Test your new knowledge by downloading comprehension Questions and Answers about the informational video.

This video will demonstrate the steps in creating your own barn star design.

You can download Barn Star Template 1 and Barn Star Template 2 to help you make your own barn stars!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Louise Silver went to university for Journalism and English, and is an entrepreneur. She has done writing, including for an online magazine, as well as extensive translation work. After developing a program and teaching in the United States for a few years, she moved to Europe where she taught English in various capacities for over 10 years, including at a university. Upon her return to the states, she was struck by how bad the situation had gotten for her people and felt strongly compelled to do something about it. The School of the West has provided an outlet where she can contribute to the well being of Westernkind. Currently, she is studying the ancient history of Europeans, including biblical aspects and implications of a mostly forgotten heritage.