TV, Music, Literature, Art
TV, MUSIC, LITERATURE, ART: Promoting White Wellbeing
The Waltons (1972) After the “rural purge” of 1970-1971 by antiwhite TV executives, a backlash from Congress called for more wholesome family-oriented programming. CBS then created The Waltons, and placed it in a time slot where it would fail. However, the show about the Walton family of rural Virginia proved to be an instant hit.
Monty Python’s Flying Circus (1969) – Drawing from a solid base of erudition, the troupe created sketches that were both intellectual and absurd; often mocking accepted English society. Taking an original approach to comedy writing, their programs consisted of multiple sketches, sometimes nested within each other and/or segued by bizarre animations.
Blackadder (1983) – This series is broken into four time periods: 1) The Black Adder, about Richard IV’s second son Edmund in 1485, 2) Black Adder II, during the reign of Elizabeth I, 3) Black Adder the Third, late 1700s, 4) Blackadder goes Fourth, World War I. For your viewing pleasure and convenience, each time period features an Edmund Blackadder with sidekick Baldric.
Richard Wagner (1813-1883) German
Siegfried’s Funeral March from Der Ring des Nibelungen
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) German
Wolfgang Amadeus Motzart (1756-1791) Austrian
Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) German
William Byrd (1543-1623) English
Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) Italian
Johann Strauss II (1825-1899) Austrian
Jean Sibelius (1865-1957) Finnish
Pyotr Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) Russian
Sergei Prokofiev (1891-1953) Ukrainian
Maurice Ravel (1875-1937) French
Gustav Holst (1874-1934) English
Mars from The Planets
Basil Poledouris (1945-2006) American
John Williams (born 1932) American
A Princess of Mars (1912) – Capt. John Carter is prospecting in Arizona. While suffering from an attack by Apaches he does not die. Instead, he feels himself hurled across the void between Earth and Mars. On Barsoom (as it is called by its inhabitants), he quickly earns the respect of a savage tribe (the Tharks) by using his greater speed and strength (being accustomed to Earth’s gravity and atmosphere) to fell mighty opponents. He rescues a princess (Dejah Thoris) from the refined copper-coloured race of Helium, and goes to war with its arch enemy. He lives a happy life until the thin atmosphere of Barsoom runs out of oxygen, resulting in a death that sends him back to Earth. [Edgar Rice Burroughs simultaneously wrote the tales of John Carter and Tarzan. While the epic tales of John Carter meet and exceed those of Tarzan, the highly imaginative setting of Barsoom prohibited the marketing Tarzan received.]
The Gods of Mars (1913) – Returning to Barsoom once more, John Carter finds himself at the south pole of the planet, in the Valley Dor – where the planet’s inhabitants go to die, and no one is allowed to return under punishment of death. He uncovers the secret that both a black race (the First Born) and white race (the Therns) have been running their own cults, necessitating the killing of unsuspecting pilgrims to the valley. He brings the forces of Helium, and the savage Tharks, to finally end the predation practiced by both the Therns and First Born. Before the cult is crushed however, its leader has Dejah Thoris thrown into an inescapable prison.
The Warlord of Mars (1914) – After destroying the city-states running the death cults in the Valley of Dor, Dejah Thoris is kidnapped from her prison and taken north. John Carter battles enemies while in pursuit; until arriving at the planet’s north pole, where a previously unknown yellow race uses a secret technology to capture entire fleets of air ships – and the crews as slaves. John Carter is taken prisoner, but must free himself and join the numerous slave population in revolt.
Tarzan of the Apes (1912) – Lord and Lady Greystoke are shipwrecked along the coast of Africa in 1888. A year later they give birth to their son, John Clayton. The lady dies of disease, and the lord is killed by the ‘great apes’ which live in the forest. The baby is adopted by a female ape (to replace her own dead child). The apes call the baby Tarzan (tar=”white” and zan=”skin”). In time, Tarzan defeats the ape’s leader in combat, to become the new leader. He finds his parents’ long deserted cottage, and using intact literature, slowly teaches himself to read. He becomes savvy in the ways of man as well as the ways of the jungle. In time, he becomes the absolute ruler of his domain. [Note: the Tarzan character is both noble and savage. He kills both beast and African with swift brutality. Therefore, there has never been an accurate representation of Tarzan anywhere outside of the novels by ERB].
Conan (1932) – In the Hyperborian Age, Conan lived and ruled by his own hand. Straightforward, brutal, with a savage nobility, Conan fights armies, monsters and sorcerers as his travels take him into extraordinary lands and fantastic situations. [Robert E. Howard first published Conan stories in Weird Tales. Howard had 17 stories written and 17 published before his death.]
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (1979) – The life of quiet, boring Arthur Dent is changed forever when the bureaucratic Vogons show up and destroy the earth. Luckily, Ford Prefect also arrives to serve as a kooky guide for Arthur through bizarre galactic adventures. [This book will most likely make you laugh out loud. The other titles in this famous Douglas Adams series are: The Restaurant at the End of the Universe; Life, the Universe and Everything; So Long and Thanks for All the Fish; and Mostly Harmless ]

The Iliad (8th century BC) – Our epic from Homer recounts the story of the invading Greek forces, ostensibly led by Agamemnon, along with the incomparable Achilles, the wily Odysseus, courageous Diomedes and powerful Ajax. Facing the greatest Greek army every assembled, is the city-state of Ilium (Troy), ruled by a benevolent king Priam, and guarded by the noble Hector. Interspersed amoung the battles are the gods, manipulating men and events either at their own whims, or in answer to prayer by the combatants.

The Odyssey (8th century BC) –At the end of the Trojan War, King Odysseus and his men begin their journey home. They must navigate through the lotus-eaters, a cyclops, sea monsters, whirlpools, and a sorceress. The entire crew is lost on the ten year return journey, save Odysseus. Once reaching home (after leaving 20 years prior for the Trojan War), he finds his wife besieged by suitors, vying for her hand and the rule of Ithaca. Odysseus constructs a plan to prove his identity and take his revenge on the suitors.

[written by Spencer J Quinn]

A People Called American – After Tommy learns he should feel guilty about being White at school, he asks his father why his ancestors came to America in the first place, and is told the wonderful story of their journey to freedom. [written by Charlie Chisholm]

[written by Spencer J Quinn, for Teens]

[written by Jason Köhne, for Teens]

Little House in the Big Woods (1932) – Laura Ingalls recalls her family’s life in 1871 Wisconsin, from the perspective of a four year old. Her memories include the descriptions of harvesting crops, butchering and preparing meat, milking, making maple syrup, butter and cheese, and enjoying her loving family. [This is the first book in the Little House series. Here are other books by Laura Ingalls Wilder]

All Creatures Great and Small (1973) – James Herriot’s memoir recounts his days as a veterinarian in the Yorkshire Dales. “From seeing to his patients in the depths of winter on the remotest homesteads to dealing with uncooperative owners and critically ill animals, Herriot discovers the wondrous variety and never-ending challenges of veterinary practice as his humor, compassion, and love of the animal world shine forth.”

Hatchet (1986) – Thirteen year old Brian Robeson is being flown in a small plane from his mother’s home in New York to his dad’s work in northern Canada. During the flight, the pilot dies of a heart attack, causing Brian to attempt a landing. He survives that ordeal, but now must learn to survive – procuring food, building shelter, and defending against critters – using only the hatchet his mother has recently bought for him, and his smarts. [This is the first book in the five book Brian’s Saga series. Here are more books by Gary Paulsen.]

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (1964) – Poor Charlie Bucket finds one of Willie Wonka’s five golden tickets hidden inside a chocolate bar – winning a free tour of the mysterious Wonka chocolate factory. Once inside, he and his grandfather find both delights and potential dangers. As the other four bratty children indulge themselves, Charlie avoids the pitfalls and is met with one more prize he could never have imagined. [Here are more books by Roald Dahl]

James and the Giant Peach (1961) – The parents of four year old James Trotter are eaten by a rhinoceros who escapes from a zoo (it happens more often than you’d think). He then lives a hard life when his mean Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker treat him cruelly. Upon receiving magic crystals, he drops them into the ground, causing a giant peach to grow on the property. One day he finds a tunnel in the peach. He enters, finding magical insect friends. One of the insects frees the peach, and it begins rolling away to the sea. A great adventure is had by James and his new mates. [Here are more books by Roald Dahl]

The BFG (1982) – Eight year old Sophie is lying awake one night, upstairs in the orphanage in which she lives. She observers a most remarkable sight – a 24 foot tall man who reaches through the window, grabs her and then runs off with her. Once back at his cave, she learns to her relief he is not a man-eating giant, but a Big Friendly Giant instead. He protects her from his nine nasty neighbor giants, who have a habit of travelling to foreign countries to eat humans (as all giants know people taste differently based upon where they live). After tangling with the bad giants, Sophie and the BFG devise a plan to petition the Queen to imprison the baddies so no one else will get eaten. [Here are more books by Roald Dahl]

Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing (1972) – “Life with his little brother, Fudge, makes Peter Hatcher feel like a fourth grade nothing. Whether Fudge is throwing a temper tantrum in a shoe store, smearing mashed potatoes on the walls at Hamburger Heaven, or trying to fly, he’s never far from trouble. He’s an almost three-year-old terror who gets away with everything, and Peter’s had it up to here! When Fudge walks off with Dribble, Peter’s pet turtle, it’s the last straw. Peter has put up with Fudge for too long. Way too long! How can he get his parents to pay attention to him for a change?” [Here are other books by Judy Blume]

The Mouse and the Motorcycle (1965) – Ralph is a mouse who lives with his family in walls of an old Californian motel. Keith is a human who stays with his family in the motel. Keith leaves a toy motorcycle out one night, and Ralph the mouse tries to ride it. Keith discovers Ralph and teaches the mouse how to start the bike. Ralph then rides like crazy – until he loses it escaping from a maid. Later, Keith is sick and his parents don’t have the medicine. It’s up to Ralph to locate the medicine and bring it back using a toy ambulance. [Here are other books by Beverly Cleary]

Stargirl (2000) – Stargirl Caraway doesn’t fit in at Mica High. The eccentric young lady “comes to school in strange outfits—kimono, buckskin, 1920s flapper clothes, and pioneer clothes.” She also sings “Happy Birthday” to students on her ukulele. Shunned by the students at first, she becomes very popular, then is shunned once again. Her boyfriend pressures her to act “normal”, and she learns that others’ acceptance can be fickle. [Here are other books by Jerry Spinelli]

Freckleface Strawberry (2007) – “If you have freckles, you can try these things:
1) Make them go away. Unless scrubbing doesn’t work.
2) Cover them up. Unless your mom yells at you for using a marker.
3) Disappear. Um, where’d you go? Oh, there you are. There’s one other thing you can do:
Because after all, the things that make you different also make you YOU.” [Here’s some more books by Julianne Moore]

There’s a Boy in the Girl’s Bathroom (1987) – Bradley Chalkers is the oldest student in his 5th grade class, (since it took him two years to pass the 4th grade). He is proud of his Fs on his work, and purposefully ignores the teacher. A new boy, Jeff Fishkin, arrives at the school and sits next to Bradley. Getting past Bradley’s aloof attitude, the two boys become friends – although the relationship is strained at times. Bradley also receives help from a counsellor, and begins doing his school work in earnest. Things go off the rails again though when the counsellor is fired, and Bradley starts to have a meltdown. [Here’s some other books by Louis Sachar]

The Chocolate Touch (1957) – John Midas is an unhealthy boy, who loves eating candy, especially chocolate. After a check up from the doctor, his parents throw out his candy, forcing him to start eating healthy. John is upset by all this and goes for a walk, where he finds a special coin that he later spends at a candy shop for a unique chocolate sweet. After eating it, everything he touches, or tries to eat, turns to chocolate. Now, all his food turns to chocolate in his mouth, and he even turned his mom to chocolate. He definitely has the ‘chocolate touch’. His hope is to now find a way back to being normal.

Chocolate Fever (1972) – “Henry Green is a boy who loves chocolate. He likes it bitter, sweet, dark, light, and daily; for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks; in cakes, candy bars, milk, and every other form you can possibly imagine. Henry probably loves chocolate more than any boy in the history of the world.” His indulgence of chocolate is not a problem, until one day he breaks out in spots – chocolate spots. He’s taken to the hospital and diagnosed with the world’s first case of chocolate fever. He even smells like chocolate. Before any more attention can be focused on him, he escapes from the hospital, only to later find himself kidnapped and taken to a hideout – where a pack of dogs find him, attracted by the smell of chocolate.