The Great Westmen

The 1623 Clash at Wessagusset
      A popular Anti-White mantra is that Thanksgiving should be changed to indigenous people’s day. Why indigenous people’s day? Because in the Anti-White narrative, the Pilgrims did nothing but kill and oppress the Indians. Anti-Whites focus on three events. The Clash of 1623, The Pequot War of 1637, and King Phillip’s War of 1675.

      In this video, the story of The Clash of 1623 is told. A part of this story is the amazing tale of Edward Winslow’s healing of the Indian Chief Massasoit. The video does not go into detail, but the story is told here as excerpted from Edward Winslow’s report Good News From New England. This report is one of the founding era source documents of American history.

      Winslow’s report, and other source documents, can be downloaded from Project Gutenberg. Direct links are given in the description of the Thanksgiving video. (Note: in the context of Winslow’s story, a confection is “a pharmaceutical preparation consisting of a drug mixed with honey or a syrup”).
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Hello, my name is Joseph Montag. I happen to have the same last name as the protagonist in the novel Fahrenheit 451. In the novel, Montag works as a fireman that destroys the cultural memory of his people by burning books. If the book were written today he would also be tearing down statues. Realizing his folly, he has a change of heart and instead of destroying the cultural memory of his people, he begins to save it.

     As a Westman I endeavor to preserve our cultural memory and educate fellow Westmen as to the accomplishments of Westernkind. I feel it is important to keep our story alive and focused upon the marvelous achievements of us as a people. I never realized that the depth and breadth of our achievements was so wide and deep until I came to White wellbeing and began investigating what was hidden from me in plain sight. I had become deracinated and disconnected from my people. Now I am shaking off my White noir, taking pride in Westernkind and reconnecting with my people at multiple levels, both online and in real life.

     I like researching and studying the stories of individual Westmen because it puts a human face on it and exposes the bond of kinship we all have to those Westmen that came before us. I hope these stories help you better understand and connect with Westernkind, with the Westman inside of you. It is our story, it is in us all, and each of us writes a new chapter everyday.