The Great Westmen
This series is dedicated to those who have never known or never considered that their people have made magnificent contributions to the betterment of Western Civilization and mankind as a whole. The story is told through people and what they have achieved. The peoples of Western Civilization are bound together by a bio-spiritual force that expresses itself through creative works; in short through a unique cultural expression.
But what is culture? We hear the term often and the typical person just equates culture with food. Spaghetti, pizza, chicken cacciatore, marinara sauce. Is that all there is to culture? No! Culture includes the customs, dress, works of art, literature, music, engineering, architecture, science, language, social, legal, and religious customs of a people.
Biospirit is a force unique to each people. Crudely defined as instinct, biospirit is the expected natural and historic thought, and behavioral patterns, distinct to a people. Culture is an expression of the biospirit of a people upon their environment.
The story of Western Civilization is, if anything, the story of men, Westmen. These are a few of their stories.
Science and Technology
“The Road to Radio” is a short summary of the discoveries of Westmen, who layered knowledge of the new science of electricity and magnetism, culminating in the development and commercialization of radio technology.
The art and architecture of Western Civilization occupy a special place in the story of our people. For our purposes we are combining art and architecture as great architecture is great art. The art and architecture of the West provides a bridge from our past into the present. It is a language of our shared collective memory; a mnemonic transmission modality from past to present. It binds our kinship with Westmen we have never met. As native sons, it connects us to our Civilization. It provides the cultural base rock, the foundation for remembering into the future.
Memorials, statuary and architectural structures are the most visible transmitters of our collective cultural memory. What a people chooses to venerate, or not, in its memorials, statuary and architectural structures is indicative of its collective memory. Erase a culture’s memorials and you erase a people’s mnemonic links to its past and to each other.
Art and Architecture
Literature and Music
In the uncategorized section, will be the stories of Westmen that don’t neatly fit into our pre-defined categories, yet are important in telling the story of Westernkind. Here you will find the explorers, pioneers, adventurers, settlers, soldiers, statesmen, and “ordinary” Westmen that build nations.
The Pilgrims, and the lies Anti-Whites tell about them: The 1623 Clash at Wessagusset